Interesting Facts about IceCream

Museum facts
Dec 14, 2020
Photo by Lama Roscu on Unsplash

Facts about ice cream that you will enjoy reading! Have you ever wondered, how did it evolve and become what we know it as today. Let us dive into these cool facts about ice cream and get a ‘taste’ of its history.

1) Ice cream was first eaten in China

2 ) King Charles I of England paid his chef 500 pounds a year to keep the recipe of ice cream a secret.

3) Honey and Nectar was the first ice cream Flavour.

4) Ice cream Sundaes were invented when it was illegal to eat it on a Sunday.

5) A waffle vendor accidentally invented the cone.

6) Astronauts miss eating ice cream when in space.

For more facts and brief information about the history of Ice cream visit Museumfacts. Your daily dose of History.



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